
All Locations are in Dunsmuir, California:
Bee Kind Bakery and Catering  5853 Sacramento, (206) 707-2899
Cobra Lily Bar & Bottle 4118 Pine Street, (530) 500-1450
Cafe Maddalena’s 5801 Sacramento Ave, (530) 235-2725
• Dandelion Dust 4100 Pine Street, (530) 925-1100
• Dunsmuir Library,  5714 Dunsmuir Ave, (530) 235-2035
•  Mossbrae Hotel, 5734 Dunsmuir Avr, (530) 235-7019
• Pops Performing Arts and Cultural Center, 5819 Sacramento Ave. (530) 235-2809
• Siskiyou Arts Museum, 5824 Dunsmuir Ave. (530) 235- 4711
Ted Fay Fly Fishing, 5732 Dunsmuir Ave. (530) 235-2969
The Wheelhouse, 5841 Sacramento Ave (530) 678-3502
Up & Running Coffee Cart & Food,  5710 Dunsmuir Avenue